Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday Alchemy CH#14 Happy Wedding/ C Днем Свадьбы

А вот уже и следующий вторник и в блоге Tuesday Alchemy сегодня стартовало новое задание "С Днем Свадьбы". Обязательно зайдите в блог, у всех членов ДК такие разные работы, там и сундучки и ложки и рамки! Вот моя ДК работа-
A week has passed in a flash and another Tuesday has come at Tuesday Alchemy. The challenge this week is Happy Wedding. Be sure to pop in and have a look at my fellow DT's entries! They are fab this week, we got everything from spoons to frames and bridal organisers! Here is my DT entry-

Это моя первая свадебная открытка, поэтому я "полистала" Youtube в поисках вдохновения и нашла вот такое видео, идеей из которого я воспользовалась. Мне так понравились эти сердечки, их можно использовать в открытках на день Святого Валентина, годовщины и любые другие парные праздники.
I have never made a wedding card before, so I watched a few Youtube videos for inspiration, until I came across this video and used the idea from it. I think these hearts are just so cute and would be perfect for any Valentine's cards, anniversary, wedding and any other couples cards. 
Надпись сделана с помощью штампа Forever Friends Going to the Chapel и белой пудры для эмбосинга.
The sentiment is a stamp from  Forever Friends Going to the Chapel which is embossed with white embossing powder.


  1. Oh, those sweet hearts! They get me every time, chicky! Splendid creation as usual :)


  2. great job! i really enjoy this card!!


  3. Sweet card! Wedding cards are very popular to give in the US, I had no idea it wasn't a common thing to do in other countries!

    1. I think in Ireland, its usually cards that are given at a wedding, but in Russia it's mostly envelopes.

  4. Ловко как:) Я такой открытки еще не видела!!!!!!!!!

  5. Absolutely love your card. Adorable!!


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