Saturday, March 2, 2013

Весенняя/ Spring inspired

По свежим следам покажу еще весенюю открытку, почти такую же как и в предыдущем посте, только форма открытки другая и цвета. МК есть в предыдущем посте. 
While the other card is fresh in your mind I'll show you this one too. It's almost the same just different shape and colours. The tutorial is in the post below. 

Материалов не много- бумага Back to Bаsics, цветы, кружево, штамп бабочка, брадс и фловер софт.
I didn't use a lot of materials this time, just Back to Basics paper, cotton lace, butterfly stamp. brds and flower soft.

Задания/ Challenges:
1) Скрап Девчата- Лучшая цветочная композиция
2) Simon Says- Anything goes
3) The Pink Elephant- Anything goes


  1. Обалденски позитивная открыточка!!!

  2. Gorgeous card Katya, so pretty, I love the way you've embellished the wheelbarrow.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp
    hugs Mandy xx

  3. Gorgeous barrel of flowers! I can't believe it's spring already! We're bracing for hopefully what will be our last snow storm today and tomorrow. Can wait to see the flowers in bloom!

    1. We got some snow yesterday! As in it didnt snow all winter and then it snowed in the middle of march out of no where =))

  4. Интересная и милая!
    Спасибо от "Скрап Девчат"!


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