Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Открытка на конфирмацию/ Confirmation card

У меня новый вариант открытки-жилетки. Вот тут я показывала варианты на Первое Причастие, а эта на Конфирмацию. 
This is my new version of waistcoat-card. I had shown the communion versions of it here and this one is for Confirmation. 

Все простенько- картон Papermania, бумага DCVW Nana's Nursery Baby Girl, дырокольные веточки, Wild Orchid розочкa, бантик закрепленный брадсом (оранжевого брадсика у меня не было, поэтому я взяла розовый и сверху приклеила и горячий клей цветную капельку).
Simple materials- Papermania cardstock,  DCVW Nana's Nursery Baby Girl paper, branch punch, Wild Orchid rose,  bow with a brad in the middle ( I didn't have an orange brad, so I took a pink one and glued an orange gem to it).
Задания/ Challenges:
1) Cute Card Thursday, задание "Один из пацанов"/ One of the Boys.
2) One Stop Craft Challenge, задание "Праздник"/ Celebrations.
3) ABC challenge, О это Оранжевый/ O for Orange.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a fantastic card for a male communion & confirmation I'm sure it will be well kept as is mine (many years ago now). Thank you for sharing this with us at OSCC, Janet

  3. Fantastic male card, Thank you for joining us at The Abc challenge, good luck in the draw.
    Suzi x

  4. Wonderful idea, very creative, thanks so much for joining us at ABC for our O for Orange theme
    hugs julie P


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